package net.stormdev.ucars.entity; import; import net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.*; import net.stormdev.ucars.utils.CustomEntityHandler; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.CraftWorld; import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.entity.CraftEntity; import org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity; import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.entity.Vehicle; import org.bukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEntityEvent; import org.bukkit.event.vehicle.*; import org.bukkit.inventory.EquipmentSlot; import org.spigotmc.event.entity.EntityMountEvent; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class CarMinecraftEntity extends EntityArmorStand { public static final double OFFSET_AMOUNT = /*-1*/0; public float getHitBoxX() { return hitBoxX; } public void setHitBoxX(float hitBoxX) { this.hitBoxX = hitBoxX; setSize(); } public float getHitBoxZ() { return hitBoxZ; } public void setHitBoxZ(float hitBoxZ) { this.hitBoxZ = hitBoxZ; setSize(); } private CraftCar ce; private Location loc; private volatile double heightOffset = 0; private float hitBoxX = -1; private float hitBoxZ = -1; private double[] boatsOffsetDeg = new double[]{0}; private int maxPassengers = 1; public double[] getBoatOffsetDeg() { return boatsOffsetDeg; } public void setBoatOffsetDeg(double[] boatOffsetDeg) { this.boatsOffsetDeg = boatOffsetDeg; } public int getMaxPassengers() { return maxPassengers; } public void setMaxPassengers(int maxPassengers) { this.maxPassengers = maxPassengers; } //Stuff to allow multiple passengers private EntityBoat fakeBoat; private EntityBoat fakeBoat2; private EntityBoat fakeBoat3; private EntityBoat fakeBoat4; private EntityBoat fakeBoat5; private EntityArrow fakeArrow; private EntityArrow fakeArrow2; private EntityArrow fakeArrow3; private EntityArrow fakeArrow4; private EntityArrow fakeArrow5; private EntityArrow fakeArrow6; public static Car getCart(org.bukkit.entity.Entity e){ if(((CraftEntity)e).getHandle() instanceof CarMinecraftEntity){ CarMinecraftEntity hce = (CarMinecraftEntity) ((CraftEntity)e).getHandle(); return hce.getHoverCartEntity(); } return null; } public static boolean isCart(org.bukkit.entity.Entity e){ return getCart(e) != null; } public CarMinecraftEntity(World world) { super(world); this.loc = new Location(world.getWorld(), this.locX, this.locY, this.locZ); setSize(); /*setSize(0.98F, 0.7F);*/ } public CarMinecraftEntity(Location loc) { this(((CraftWorld)loc.getWorld()).getHandle()); this.loc = loc; updatePosition(loc); this.motX = 0; this.motY = 0; this.motZ = 0; } /*@Override public boolean s() { if(!super.s()){ setSize(); } return true; //Say our size is set }*/ private void setSize(){ setSize(hitBoxX<0?0.98F:hitBoxX, hitBoxZ<0?0.7F:hitBoxZ); } public Location getTrueLocation(){ this.loc.setX(this.locX); this.loc.setY(this.locY-OFFSET_AMOUNT); this.loc.setZ(this.locZ); this.loc.setYaw(this.yaw); this.loc.setPitch(this.pitch); this.loc.setWorld(world.getWorld()); return this.loc.clone(); } public void updatePosition(Location loc){ this.loc = loc; setPositionRotation(loc.getX(), loc.getY()+OFFSET_AMOUNT, loc.getZ(), loc.getYaw(), loc.getPitch()); } public Car spawn(){ if(ce != null){ return ce; } /*this.locX = loc.getX(); this.locY = loc.getY(); this.locZ = loc.getZ(); this.yaw = loc.getYaw(); this.pitch = loc.getPitch(); this.motX = 0; this.motY = 0; this.motZ = 0;*/ CraftWorld w = ((CraftWorld)loc.getWorld()); w.getHandle().addEntity(this, CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason.DEFAULT); VehicleCreateEvent((Vehicle)ce)); this.bukkitEntity = getHoverCartEntity(); updatePosition(loc); Car hc= getHoverCartEntity(); if(hc.getMaxPassengers() > 1){ //Allocate entity IDs to fake entities to show only to the client this.fakeBoat = new EntityBoat(w.getHandle()); this.fakeArrow = new EntityArrow(w.getHandle()) { @Override protected ItemStack j() { return null; } }; this.fakeArrow2 = new EntityArrow(w.getHandle()) { @Override protected ItemStack j() { return null; } }; if(hc.getMaxPassengers() > 2){ this.fakeBoat2 = new EntityBoat(w.getHandle()); this.fakeBoat3 = new EntityBoat(w.getHandle()); this.fakeArrow3 = new EntityArrow(w.getHandle()) { @Override protected ItemStack j() { return null; } }; this.fakeArrow4 = new EntityArrow(w.getHandle()) { @Override protected ItemStack j() { return null; } }; if(hasExtraExtraFakeBoats()){ this.fakeBoat4 = new EntityBoat(w.getHandle()); this.fakeBoat5 = new EntityBoat(w.getHandle()); this.fakeArrow5 = new EntityArrow(w.getHandle()) { @Override protected ItemStack j() { return null; } }; this.fakeArrow6 = new EntityArrow(w.getHandle()) { @Override protected ItemStack j() { return null; } }; } } } return hc; } public boolean hasExtraExtraFakeBoats(){ return getBoatOffsetDeg().length > 3; } public float getBukkitYaw() { return super.yaw; } public double getFakeBoatRotationOffsetDeg(int i){ if(i==0){ return getFirstFakeBoatRotationOffsetDeg(); } else if(i == 1){ return getSecondFakeBoatRotationOffsetDeg(); } else if(i == 2){ return getThirdFakeBoatRotationOffsetDeg(); } else if(i == 3){ return getFourthFakeBoatRotationOffsetDeg(); } else { return getFifthFakeBoatRotationOffsetDeg(); } } public double getFirstFakeBoatRotationOffsetDeg(){ if(this.boatsOffsetDeg.length < 1){ return 0; } return this.boatsOffsetDeg[0]; } public double getSecondFakeBoatRotationOffsetDeg(){ if(this.boatsOffsetDeg.length > 1){ return this.boatsOffsetDeg[1]; } return getFirstFakeBoatRotationOffsetDeg(); } public double getThirdFakeBoatRotationOffsetDeg(){ if(this.boatsOffsetDeg.length > 2){ return this.boatsOffsetDeg[2]; } return getSecondFakeBoatRotationOffsetDeg(); } public double getFourthFakeBoatRotationOffsetDeg(){ if(this.boatsOffsetDeg.length > 3){ return this.boatsOffsetDeg[3]; } return getThirdFakeBoatRotationOffsetDeg(); } public double getFifthFakeBoatRotationOffsetDeg(){ if(this.boatsOffsetDeg.length > 4){ return this.boatsOffsetDeg[4]; } return getFourthFakeBoatRotationOffsetDeg(); } public double getNumFakeBoats(){ if(!hasFakeBoat()){ return 0; } if(!hasExtraFakeBoats()){ return 1; } return hasExtraExtraFakeBoats()?5:3; } public boolean hasExtraFakeBoats(){ return this.fakeBoat2 != null; } public boolean hasFakeBoat() { return this.fakeBoat != null; } public EntityBoat getFakeBoat(int i){ if (i == 0) { return getFakeBoat(); } else if(i == 1){ return getFakeBoat2(); } else if(i == 2){ return getFakeBoat3(); } else if(i == 3){ return getFakeBoat4(); } else { return getFakeBoat5(); } } public EntityBoat getFakeBoat() { return fakeBoat; } public EntityBoat getFakeBoat2() { return fakeBoat2; } public EntityBoat getFakeBoat3() { return fakeBoat3; } public EntityBoat getFakeBoat4() { return fakeBoat4; } public EntityBoat getFakeBoat5() { return fakeBoat5; } public EntityArrow getFakeArrow() { return fakeArrow; } public EntityArrow getFakeArrow2() { return fakeArrow2; } public EntityArrow getFakeArrow3() { return fakeArrow3; } public EntityArrow getFakeArrow4() { return fakeArrow4; } public EntityArrow getFakeArrow5() { return fakeArrow5; } public EntityArrow getFakeArrow6() { return fakeArrow6; } private List playersKnowAboutFakeEntities = new ArrayList(); public List getPlayersKnowAboutFakeEntities(){ return new ArrayList<>(playersKnowAboutFakeEntities); } public boolean doesKnowAboutFakeEntities(Player p){ return playersKnowAboutFakeEntities.contains(p.getName()); } public void setKnowAboutFakeEntities(Player p, boolean b){ if(b) { playersKnowAboutFakeEntities.add(p.getName()); } else { playersKnowAboutFakeEntities.remove(p.getName()); } } //Interaction with entity from EntityArmorStand @Override public EnumInteractionResult a(EntityHuman entityhuman, Vec3D vec3d, EnumHand hand) { if(entityhuman.getBukkitEntity() instanceof Player) { EquipmentSlot handUsed = hand.equals(EnumHand.MAIN_HAND) ? EquipmentSlot.HAND : EquipmentSlot.OFF_HAND; PlayerInteractEntityEvent piee = new PlayerInteractEntityEvent((Player) entityhuman.getBukkitEntity(),getBukkitEntity(),handUsed); Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(piee); if(piee.isCancelled()){ return EnumInteractionResult.FAIL; } } if(ce.getPassengers().size() < ce.getMaxPassengers()) { ce.addPassenger(entityhuman.getBukkitEntity()); return EnumInteractionResult.SUCCESS; } return EnumInteractionResult.FAIL; } /*@Override protected void h() { this.datawatcher.a(18, new Integer(1)); this.datawatcher.a(19, new Float(0.0F)); super.h(); } public int r() { return this.datawatcher.getInt(18); } public void setDamage(float f) {, Float.valueOf(f)); } public float getDamage() { return this.datawatcher.getFloat(19); }*/ @Override public void collide(Entity entity){ if(this.passengers.size() >0 && this.passengers.contains(entity)){ return; } Vehicle vehicle = (Vehicle)getHoverCartEntity(); org.bukkit.entity.Entity hitEntity = entity == null ? null : entity.getBukkitEntity(); VehicleEntityCollisionEvent collisionEvent = new VehicleEntityCollisionEvent(vehicle, hitEntity);; if (collisionEvent.isCancelled()) { return; } super.collide(entity); } @Override public void Y(){ //Living entity base tick from EntityLiving double prevX = this.locX; double prevY = this.locY; double prevZ = this.locZ; float prevYaw = this.yaw; float prevPitch = this.pitch; super.Y(); org.bukkit.World bworld =; Location from = new Location(bworld, prevX, prevY, prevZ, prevYaw, prevPitch); Location to = new Location(bworld, this.locX, this.locY, this.locZ, this.yaw, this.pitch); Vehicle vehicle = (Vehicle)getHoverCartEntity(); VehicleUpdateEvent(vehicle)); if (!from.equals(to)) { VehicleMoveEvent(vehicle, from, to)); } setSize(); } private DamageSource damagesource = null; @Override public void die(){ Vehicle vehicle = (Vehicle)getHoverCartEntity(); org.bukkit.entity.Entity passenger = damagesource == null || damagesource.getEntity() == null ? null : damagesource.getEntity().getBukkitEntity(); VehicleDestroyEvent destroyEvent = new VehicleDestroyEvent(vehicle, passenger);; super.die(); } @Override public boolean damageEntity(DamageSource damagesource, float f) { this.damagesource = damagesource; Vehicle vehicle = (Vehicle)getHoverCartEntity(); org.bukkit.entity.Entity passenger = damagesource.getEntity() == null ? null : damagesource.getEntity().getBukkitEntity(); VehicleDamageEvent event = new VehicleDamageEvent(vehicle, passenger, f);/*{ @Override public void setCancelled(boolean b){ new Exception().printStackTrace(); super.setCancelled(b); } };*/; if (event.isCancelled()) { return false; } return super.damageEntity(damagesource, f); } /*@Override public boolean damageEntity(DamageSource damagesource, float f) { if ((! && (!this.dead)) { if (isInvulnerable(damagesource)) { return false; } Vehicle vehicle = (Vehicle)getBukkitEntity(); org.bukkit.entity.Entity passenger = damagesource.getEntity() == null ? null : damagesource.getEntity().getBukkitEntity(); VehicleDamageEvent event = new VehicleDamageEvent(vehicle, passenger, f);; if (event.isCancelled()) { return true; } f = (float)event.getDamage(); k(-r()); j(10); ac(); setDamage(getDamage() + f * 10.0F); boolean flag = ((damagesource.getEntity() instanceof EntityHuman)) && (((EntityHuman)damagesource.getEntity()).abilities.canInstantlyBuild); if ((flag) || (getDamage() > 40.0F)) { VehicleDestroyEvent destroyEvent = new VehicleDestroyEvent(vehicle, passenger);; if (destroyEvent.isCancelled()) { setDamage(40.0F); return true; } if (this.passenger != null) { this.passenger.mount(null); } if ((flag) && (!hasCustomName())) die(); else { die(); } } return true; } return true; }*/ @Override public CraftCar getBukkitEntity(){ return getHoverCartEntity(); } public void setYaw(float yaw){ this.setYawPitch(yaw, this.pitch); } public void setPitch(float pitch){ this.setYawPitch(this.yaw, pitch); } @Override public void setYawPitch(float yaw, float pitch){ super.setYawPitch(yaw, pitch); } public CraftCar getHoverCartEntity(){ if(this.ce == null){ this.ce = new CraftCar(world.getServer(), this);/*(CraftHoverCart) CraftHoverCart.getEntity((CraftServer) world.getServer(), this)*/; } return this.ce; } public static void register(){ CustomEntityHandler.registerEntity("ArmorStand", 30, EntityArmorStand.class, CarMinecraftEntity.class); } @Override protected void cB() { //Bounding box collisions in EntityArmorStand List list =, getBoundingBox()); if ((list != null) && (!list.isEmpty())) for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Entity entity = (Entity)list.get(i); if (entity instanceof LivingEntity || entity instanceof EntityMinecartAbstract || entity instanceof CarMinecraftEntity && (h(entity) <= 0.2D)) if(!ce.getPassengers().contains(entity.getBukkitEntity())) { entity.collide(this); } } } public double getHeightOffset() { return heightOffset; } public void setHeightOffset(double heightOffset) { this.heightOffset = heightOffset; } }