package net.stormdev.ucarstrade; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta; public class ItemCarValidation { public static DrivenCar getCar(ItemStack item){ if(item == null /*|| !item.getType().equals(Material.MINECART)*/){ return null; } ItemMeta im = item.getItemMeta(); if(im == null || im.getLore() == null){ return null; } List lore = im.getLore(); String name = im.getDisplayName(); if(name == null || name.equalsIgnoreCase("null")){ name = "Car"; } DrivenCar c = getCarFromLore(im.getDisplayName(), lore); return c; } public static DrivenCar getCarFromLore(String name, List lore){ if(lore.size() < 3){ return null; } int i = 0; if(!Colors.strip((lore.get(i))).toLowerCase().contains("[speed:]")){ String firstLine = Colors.strip((lore.get(i))).toLowerCase(); if(firstLine.equalsIgnoreCase("plane") || firstLine.equalsIgnoreCase("helicopter") || !firstLine.equalsIgnoreCase("car")){ return null; } else if(!firstLine.equalsIgnoreCase("car")){ //It doesn't say car... try { UUID.fromString(firstLine); //Test if it's a UUID string } catch (Exception e) { // Not an old car either return null; } //It's a UUID... } i = 1; if(!Colors.strip((lore.get(i))).toLowerCase().contains("[speed:]")){ //Using deprecated format return null; } } double speed = 1; double health = 50; boolean isHandlingDamaged = false; double turnAmountPerTick = 5; double acceleration = 1; List modifiers = new ArrayList(); String line = Colors.strip(lore.get(i)).toLowerCase(); //[Speed:] 0.8x String speedRaw = line.replaceFirst(Pattern.quote("[speed:] "), "").replaceAll(Pattern.quote("x"), ""); try { speed = Double.parseDouble(speedRaw); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //Oh well } i++; line = Colors.strip(lore.get(i)).toLowerCase(); //[Health:] 10.0/100.0 String[] healthRaw = line.replaceFirst(Pattern.quote("[health:] "), "").split(Pattern.quote("/")); try { health = Double.parseDouble(healthRaw[0]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //Oh well, unable to read value } i++; if(i >= lore.size()){ return null; } else { line = Colors.strip(lore.get(i)).toLowerCase(); //[Handling:] undamaged if(!line.contains("handling")){ return null; } String handlingRaw = line.replaceFirst(Pattern.quote("[handling:] "), "").trim(); if(handlingRaw.equalsIgnoreCase("damaged")){ //Old style item isHandlingDamaged = true; } try { double d = Double.parseDouble(handlingRaw); turnAmountPerTick = d/10.0d; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //Oh well; it's the old style item } } if(i+1 >= lore.size()){ //Old style item return new DrivenCar(name, speed, health, 1, 5, isHandlingDamaged, modifiers); } line = Colors.strip(lore.get(i+1)).toLowerCase(); //[Acceleration:] accelMod*10 if(line.contains("acceleration")){ i++; String accelRaw = line.replaceFirst(Pattern.quote("[acceleration:] "), "").trim(); try { double d = Double.parseDouble(accelRaw); acceleration = d/10.0d; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } line = Colors.strip(lore.get(i+1)).toLowerCase(); //[Damage:] accelMod*10 if(line.contains("damage")){ i++; String damageRaw = line.replaceFirst(Pattern.quote("[damage:] "), "").trim(); if(damageRaw.equalsIgnoreCase("damaged")){ //Old style item isHandlingDamaged = true; } } } try { if(lore.size() > i){ i++; for(@SuppressWarnings("unused") int z=i;i modifiers.add(line.replaceFirst(Pattern.quote("-Modifier: "), "").trim()); } } } catch (Exception e) { return null; } return new DrivenCar(name, speed, health, acceleration, turnAmountPerTick, isHandlingDamaged, modifiers); } }