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# This is the ucars plugin's UPLANES configuration file. For more    #	
# information visit                                                  #	
# http://www.dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/uplanes/                     #	
# Plugin by storm345	                                             #	
# xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx #	

# If you are viewing this on notepad then view it on a text editor designed for use with yaml files. Such as wordpad or notetab (Lite). 
# Information on setting the config:

# +----------------------------------------------------------------+ #	
# |                                                                | #	
# |                           -General-                            | #	
# |                                                                | #	
# +----------------------------------------------------------------+ #	
# These are the settings for the planes!
# +----------------------------------------------------------------+ #	
# |                                                                | #	
# |                           -colorScheme-                        | #	
# |                                                                | #	
# +----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This is where you pick the colours for the plugin to use.	
# Dont know what the colours are? http://lpminecraft.com/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=429&media=lpminecraft:plugins:quicksign:minecraftcolorcodes.png	

# The settings: